
Not the 4th of July.  The discovery of this:

Y'all, Dr Pepper has released other flavors before, and I have tried them and been wholly unimpressed, but this is amazing.  I found it accidentally, searching for Caffeine Free Dr Pepper on Amazon.  (For the record, I've only ever found that in Tuscaloosa.)  The coconut doesn't seem to be available anywhere here, but it is worth searching out.

The pain (gum/lip/sinus/cheekbone, oddly) continues, and caused another night of fitful sleep.  Why didn't he give me Hydrocodone this time around?

I'm working almost exclusively on the Seven Color Fox.  The stitches are laying so beautifully, which always makes me feel fully accomplished.

Yesterday, I watched the film "The Zone of Interest."  Stunning.  In every possible sense of the word.  I'm still sitting with it, so can't come up any other things to say, but watch it if you can.


Delighted Hands said…
I never learned to like Dr pepper but the creamy coconut appeals to me!
Pretty stitching!
I hope tonight will be a better sleep for you!
Araignee said…
That is some lovely stitching! Coconut soda sounds yummy. I am the kiss of death for things like that. As soon as I find something new and different to like they always discontinue it.
kmkat said…
Call your dentist/sadist and ask for hydrocodone. No need for you to miss two(2!) nights of sleep.
Kim in Oregon said…
For whatever reason I thought that Dr. Pepper was caffeine free. Silly me! The Coconut is not appealing to me. Sleep tight!

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