Saturday, April 27, 2024

So Picky

It appears that a couple of my pets are ichthyosnobs.  Tap's fondness for sardines has been covered here, as I think, has Maddie's and Riley's aversion to them.

In another pet subscription box recently came a bag of minnows.  My assumption was dog yes, cats no.  Nope.  Riley is still uninterested.  Tap refuses.  Maddie would gorge on them if she could.  Fish is obviously not fish.


Check out the minnows' packaging:

The minnows are made with minnow.  Good to know.

No need to submit any more guesses about the little cross-stitch animal.  Someone has won.  I'll unveil the finished piece on Tiny Needle Tuesday.


Kim in Oregon said...

What will they think of next. Do they look like minnows?

Araignee said...

None of my four kitties will eat the same food or the same treats. My critter cabinet has more food in it than the people cabinet. Pup, on the other hand, will eat anything-especially the kitty food when I'm not looking.

Two (Too) Cute

Looking through the Herrschners catalog, you remember they sell things other than yarn, and look what you find! How cute is that?  I want to...