Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Going On

It has rained here today, and it is forecast to rain tomorrow, so, naturally, I got a screaming headache yesterday.  Suffice to say it continues.

Twinnie wondered about my not using the cat prints I posted yesterday.  The truth is that I'm afraid I'll screw up any piece using them, so they stay unblemished.

I feel myself getting into a knit-a-pair-of-socks mood.  Also maybe a hat.  I'm working on a Most Basic scarf:

Have I ever mentioned that I love tweed yarn?

Cross-stitching wise, the Christmas piece is moving along.

Yes, the reindeer has green antlers.  Don't question the designer's choices.


As if there weren't enough things around and on my work spaces, I've tried something new. Diamond art, I guess it's called?  For...