Friday, January 12, 2024


This one

 gave me quite a scare today.  

There's a distinct sound that she makes when she's about to throw up, and she was making it almost constantly this morning.  Her pupils were dilated, she was limp --- I flew to the vet with her.  She was cold, not moving, her breathing was erratic, and it turns out her blood sugar was low.

They triaged her, gave her dextrose, took x-rays, but couldn't figure out what was going on.  Everything was clear diagnostically, and they couldn't put everything that was happening to her down to the blood sugar level.

Within half an hour of me getting her there, discussing possible brain issues and whether or not I should let her go, the vet came in, threw up her hands and said, "She's acting like a cat!  Come see."

I went back to see her, and she was.  She was Maddie!  The doctor, the vet tech, and I couldn't believe it.  We were so close to losing her.

We decided to let her stay at the vet's until the end of the day, see how her blood sugar was, and make decisions then.  As you can see from the photo, she's back home and she's ravenously hungry and Riley and Tap are very happy to see her.

Cross your fingers that she'll stay good.  I do know what low blood sugar looks like now, but hope and pray I never have to use that knowledge.


Kim in Oregon said...

That's so scary! Hopefully it was a one-off!

kmkat said...

Perhaps she is diabetic? I have had two elderly cats develop diabetes. Glad she seems back to normal now.

We Are So Excited About the Snow!!

 Though my life as a Southerner long ago taught me that just because a couple of weathermen say snow is on the way doesn't mean it will ...