Thursday, January 11, 2024


Pretty much anything I eat now is okay, though I'm still steering clear of super-spicy stuff.

This does not qualify as super-spicy:

It is an oatmeal creme pie bought through a Market Wagon vendor.  First, note the size (as opposed to the sad Moon Pie once discussed here.)  Second, imagine the flavor.

If you've had a Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pie 

(and it's hard to fathom that this isn't a universal food), don't worry.  They're as good as they ever were. But the Market Wagon ones are a step beyond.  You can taste the real butter in the oatmeal parts, the creme is smooth and rich;  I've never been able to finish one in a single go.

If anyone ever comes up with a custom honey bun, I'm done for.


Kim in Oregon said...

"Little Debbie, Little Debbie, I'm coming home!"

kmkat said...

Sorry, but the idea of an oatmeal cream cake makes my tummy tumble. Maybe because I don;t care for marshmallow, or maybe because I have never had a good one. Now, if there were chocolate involved, I would be all over it.

We Are So Excited About the Snow!!

 Though my life as a Southerner long ago taught me that just because a couple of weathermen say snow is on the way doesn't mean it will ...