Sunday, January 21, 2024


Sleep is better now that Madeleine is better.  Almost all of last week, I'd stay awake to keep an eye on her.  Now, things are a bit back to normal.

Take crafting: the dickie/cowl/sort of vest that I've been working on is finally at the join-the-front-and-back-together-and-start-the-neck point.

In the upper left you can see this stitch marker:
It's from a little store I found on etsy.  Isn't it cute?

From yarn colors to DMC colors;  look at the sparkly floss:

Like knitting with two strands of yarn can give surprising depth and tone, the same with regular floss mixed with metallic.  When I use it, I'll show you.

Wishing you a good week. . .

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

I have so much sparkly floss and I find it a horrible pain to stitch with! I bow to you.

It Happened

Sorry to have only these two photos.  I have a nice video of the snow coming down, but can't get it to load.  It started snowing before ...