Friday, December 8, 2023

Mood Swings

Thanks for your kindness about my headache.  Yes. KmKat, I tried hot and cold alternatively.  I even have this VR-looking thing now:

Tap hates me wearing it.  It plays what is allegedly relaxing music.  I spent more time than it should have taken to turn the music off, which only added to the headache.  The air pressure it puts on your eyes, plus the heat and the massage, are all nice, though.

Carrying on my box conversation from yesterday: on Christmas morning, this box is not going to contain what it looks like it will.  Knowing what Hannah will think when she unwraps it, I got proactive.

Frankly, I think she'll like what's going in there even more than a Barbie.*

*Blasphemy, I know.  Light a candle for me.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

LOL at the Barbie Box. Glad you're a bit better.

Tuesday Was...

...kind of a trainwreck-y sort of day.  Hence my technically Wednesday last post.  Since I missed TNT, here are a couple of things. First, D...