Sunday, December 17, 2023

Coughing. Wondering.

Everything has dropped down into my chest, dragging dragon claws on my throat as it passed.  Coughing is persistent and painful.

Meanwhile, a random lying-on-the-couch-bundled-all-up thought:

Why only folks and fowl as gifts in "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?  Except for the rings.  Why rings?  What kind of rings?

Are we talking rings for fingers?  Bracelets?  Earrings?  Nose rings?  Magician's rings?  Hula hoops?

And what to do with 12 pear trees?

Don't even get me started on all the pears you're gonna have.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Isn't it twelve drummers drumming?
OH, I get it. You get the whole haul on the Day 12. Which would technically mean two dozen pear trees!

The Work

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