Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Pain is Now Migrating

It started on the left end of the very end of my tailbone, and now it is radiating out into my left hip.  It's been a week and a half since the falls --- how deep are these "wounds"?

Thinking, obviously, about what Briton's got coming up.  I had my wisdom teeth (all four) taken out when I was in undergraduate school, and my recollection has always been that I got the most sublime painkillers.  I do enjoy feeling drowsy, you know.  The extraction was on a Friday.  I remember being lowered back in the chair, seeing the toes of my boots coming into view (they were ostrich skin), saying "98" after the doctor said to count backward from 100, and that's pretty much it.  No memory of going home.  I do remember ice packs.  I went back to school on Tuesday.

Briton's nervous about being sedated.  He has an intense aversion to medication of almost any kind, plus he's afraid he'll say something embarrassing as he wakes up.  They've heard all kinds of things, I'm sure, but he's still hesitant.


Kim in Oregon said...

Have you ever been to an acupuncturist? It might be good for your tailbone owie.

kmkat said...

I had all my wisdom teeth out in college, too. Novocaine for the procedure, then they sent me back to my dorm. No pain meds at all. Jerks.


I was so caught up in my Bogart adventure that I forgot to talk about the other Big Thing from yesterday.  The final trip to the oral surgeo...