Friday, July 7, 2023

Book Smarts

 This book came to my attention a few days ago, and you can imagine how pleased I was to see that it is

"educationally sound."  What a relief.  Providing proof of the educational soundness: a photo of Dr. Lester Fisher on the back cover:

I mean, he's holding a lion cub!  How much more evidence do you need?

Twinster asked about something in the picture from yesterday, specifically what looks like a palette in the lower right corner.  It's a set of little ink pads.*  When I finish a piece, I stamp a little feather on it, and wanted a variety of colors from which to choose.

*From Temu.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Very clever on the 'signing' of the piece. May have to steal that.


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