Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Signs of Aging

Collaging has shown me that I am a bad gluer.  This pains me more than it should.

On gluing, how many of you recognize this?

You had to slice open that rubber top, and after the very first use, there'd be a dried mucilage crust there that made ever using it again next to impossible.  I remember how that crust felt and how the glue smelled.

Asking if you remember is edging us into "Do you remember mimeographs" and "Do you remember paper drinking straws" territory.

Milk breaks in kindergarten, people.  Three cents for a half-pint of milk, and graham crackers were free, I guess?  The milk was 3 cents --- that I remember vividly.  

Elementary school lunches, by the way, were 35 cents.  Daddy would leave a quarter and a dime out for me every night.

While I'm old personing --- how is every pair of scissors in this house dull?  Every.  Pair.

And where are my glasses?


Kim in Oregon said...

I swear scissors are made to cut three times and then they go dull. I have probably ten pairs (!!!) in my craft room and arguably all are dull.

It has been said they can be sharpened by cutting through sandpaper, although let me google that and i'll report back.

Kim in Oregon said...


Kim in Oregon said...


kmkat said...

Re: glasses. Have you checked on top of your head? ::ducks and runs away chortling::

It Happened

Sorry to have only these two photos.  I have a nice video of the snow coming down, but can't get it to load.  It started snowing before ...