Sunday, December 18, 2022

Whuddaya Do?

Briton is feeling, "um. . . better?"  He said he's going to take another test tonight to get some idea of what his week will --- and won't--- be.

He didn't sound as drained as I had thought he might, but he didn't sound hale and/or hearty.  He's bored, as he can't get his PS4 to work, and even he can get tired of watching movies and TV.  That has left him time to wallow in his own head.

Did I tell you he overthinks EV. ER. EE. THING?  It's part of who he is, but a parent feels exponentially worse when she doesn't know what to say anyway, then has what she does manage to say  corkscrewed into negatives.  

But it isn't about me.  

But it kinda is.


Dee said...

I totally get-cha! Hope he is feeling TOTALLY better soon.

Kim in Oregon said...

So overthinking everything--is that a bad thing? Inquiring overthinkers want to know.

kmkat said...

My personal defense mechanism is denial. Works pretty darned well for most things. Suggest it to Mr Overthinks.

Kid Stuff

Both of my children, and both at age 3, were obsessed with the movie " The Wizard of Oz."  The gift that Briton was given on the d...