Thursday, December 15, 2022

Well, If That Don't Beat All

 Briton tested positive for COVID this morning.  We talked last night, and he said he was feeling a little off, but when he woke up this morning he felt much, much worse.

I'm surprisingly calm about this.  He, on the other hand, admits to feeling much worse emotionally than physically.  He is a Class A Overthinker.  OOOOOOverthinker.  I'm sure he's wondering what he did "wrong," how will he make up hours at work, did he get anyone else sick, and on and on and on.  I may be setting up for my usual good in the midst of issues, only to crash when everything is done.

It's still out there, folks.  I hope you haven't packed your masks away.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

So sorry about Briton. We still have to wear masks at drs offices here and that's the primary place I've been going so that's all good.

Tuesday Stuff

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