Monday, October 3, 2022

One a Day

You're supposed to laugh at least once a day.  A health thing, I suppose,  I remember reading somewhere that crying is laundering the soul, laughing is dry cleaning it.

 Are you also supposed to learn something each day?  'Cause I just did: 

The plural of octopus isn't octopi.  (Oh, the times I have erred.)  The reason is because the word octopus is Greek, and the plural i is Latin.  And the two aren't supposed to mix, I guess?  Anyway, the correct plural is apparently octopodes. Fact learned.


1 comment:

kmkat said...

I remember reading that about the plural of octopus, too. But I didn't remember the correct plural. Thanks!

So This Has Been My Day

 On my way to therapy, I fell down the front steps.  I'm not hurt, but I did spill my Dr Pepper, which upset me as much as anything.  It...