Sunday, February 6, 2022

Weird Tangents Again

Is there such a thing as narrow daylight? 

If you've been knitting on 2s or 3s, switching to a pair of 5s feels like knitting with broom handles.

My daughter made a point the other day that I had never considered.  With virtual learning now, children won't know the thrill of a snow day.  That makes me almost inexpressibly sad.

What magic it always was to hear those words. . . 

Does anyone else scratch their back on door jambs?*

Why are there no instant sweet potatoes?

"Throw up" and "throw down" are not the opposites of one another.  What is up with that?  English is so weird.

Now, if you go with the verb there, the opposite of "throw" up should be "catch" down, which has no meaning that I know of.  The opposite of "throw down" should be "catch up," but that's also the name of a condiment, and we're right back to how weird this language is.

And another thing about this language: which came first, "gander" as a noun or a verb?  And who took that primary usage and thought, "There's another good use for that word"?

*Ideal for juuusst behind a shoulderblade.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

'Round these parts, Twinnie, even online students get snow days because of the risk of electrical outages. So there's that!

I'm not even sure what the opposite of throw up is. I mean, visualize it please. Get back to me.

A Look

At the current state of cross-stitch here. This is one of those pieces that looks better from a distance.  For instance, I couldn't appr...