Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Lions, Lambs and Let's See. . .

My little tree has mostly lion and lion-and-lamb ornaments.  Here are some.

This is one of the more unique ones.

Even the star is lion and lamb.

I haven't mentioned that I got my COVID booster (and my flu shot) on Sunday.  I've had some soreness in my left lymph nodes (got the COVID shot in that arm), which is a common side effect I'd never heard of.

And as of today, I've finished what little Christmas knitting I had to do.  I delivered the hats to the people at Kroger, I finished a scarf for my mail carrier and a pair of wrist warmers for Hannah.  Now I don't know what to do next.  It's a freeing feeling on one level, a bit unnerving on another.  What are my choices?  What speaks to me?  Watch this space.

1 comment:

Lora said...

Interesting about your lymph nodes…when I had my second Covid shot my lymph nodes in that side were so painful and enlarged. It took several days for them to clear up.

So Predictable

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