Saturday, November 27, 2021

Still No Thanksgiving, and. . .

 . . .still feeling awful.  Negative on COVID, though.  If you've ever endured the horror of being swabbed for strep, you can imagine the misery of one of those swabs being jammed up your nose.  Some cures are considered worse than the illnesses they treat;  some tests are so definitely worse than being sick.

Pretty sure I've done some online shopping over the week.  Not entirely sure, as days and fever and nights and medicines and sleep have all run together.  We'll see.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Well it will seem like Christmas then when things you don't remember buying start arriving. Glad the COVID test was a negative. Be cozy and I hope you feel better soon.

First Nose, Then Fish

As cute as the entire piece is, I doubt that any part of the Starry Night Bunny will enchant me more than this single stitch in peach: Look ...