Saturday, May 15, 2021

Random Thought Generator

There are two foods that make me, whenever I see or hear them discussed on television (show, movie, or commercial),  want them.  Every time.  No other foods do this to me.  Pizza.  Eggs.

Is the song in your head the first thing in the morning a memory from the night before, or a harbinger of the day to come?  

There is now green apple Kool-Aid.  The difference green apple Kool-Aid would have made in my childhood is immeasurable.

If you met yourself, would you like you?  It would take me a while to like me, I think.  You know, to warm up.  But then I think we'd get along;  I like all the things I like.

Not a random thought, but a random photo:

Hannah's Theo, portrait taken by Briton on Mother's Day.


Meredith said...

I love these thoughts. Apple green Kool-Aid would have been a life changer. I'm not so sure I would like myself, I am quiet and a bit bossy. I don't waste time with nonsense chatting. I think I need to chill out a bit and the=n maybe I would like myself more.

Bridget said...

Oh I LOVE Theo!!

I would probably like myself because so few others would. I've never been drawn to popular people.

kathy b said...

I hope I'd like myself. Apple green Kool aid!!!

Even Logic Fails to Help

What is this?  Really.  What is this? Is it a checkerboard?  If so, I can't figure out a way to fill in enough black squares to make it ...