Saturday, February 20, 2021

There Will Be Blood (Seriously. Skip if you'll get queasy.)

In the middle of making this delicious casserole: 

I sliced into my left thumb sharpening a knife.  Thankfully, Briton was on his way over to deliver Girl Scout cookies he had bought for me and took me to an urgent care clinic.
This is about the sixth change of gauze while I was waiting --- the bleeding just wouldn't stop.  Even after I was stitched up (2 stitches), it was still bleeding.  So, pressure bandage for me:

Ten days 'til the stitches come out.  If this interferes with my knitting, I'll be really cheesed.


Meredith said...

So sorry you cut yourself, I bet it was super painful. Hope you heal up fast.

Kim in Oregon said...

Oh I'm so sorry. This is something that I would definitely do. Glad Briton was there to tcome to your rescue!

kathy b said...

Oh no. HOpefully it will heal quickly.. Because you didnt need that to happen at all

Bridget said...

Well now, if The Tim had been there, you would have gotten his stock question "Why did you do that?"


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...