Friday, October 23, 2020

Right Up My Alley

My son, in addition to being a podcaster himself, enjoys listening to lots of podcasts.  We share many tastes, so I've found enjoyable episodes in casts he has recommended.  He likes "The JV Club," where comedian Janet Varney interviews famous and semi-famous people.  At the end of each episode, she asks her guests some interesting questions, and in one I listened to, she asked her guest, "If you could witness any three events in past history or in the future, what would they be?"


1.  The Sermon on the Mount

2.  The Gettysburg Address

3.  The 1973 Preakness Stakes


Kim in Oregon said...

Interesting question. Will ponder....

kathy b said...

The Birth of my sister. My father never shut up about how he held her in his arms and fell in love. THe death of my dear mother, I was not there.
The birth of my Nana in Ireland.

Jo said...

What an interesting question. I'll have to give this some thought but my first thoughts would be specific family events.

Not Surprises

The nasty weather didn't materialize here, though I read that some people in Athens had their power knocked out.  Other counties had muc...