Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ever Feel a Wee Bit Inadequate?

With regard to my last post: discussing this question with a couple of people, family "things" dominate the answers.  I'm with this like I am my Seven Ideal Dinner Guest List: I don't go family, mostly because having to end the event would be too heartbreaking.

And, btw, I have more 3 Questions for another day.

While waiting to fall asleep last night, I started thinking about Fancy Blogs.  You know the type I'm talking about: the header photo is of a row of drying yarn, folded over the back garden gate.  It's yarn they hand-dyed using the berries they picked over that weekend in the mountains.  While waiting for the yarn to dry, they'll be mending that quilt of their great-grandmother's.  They found it in that cedar hope chest when their partner offered to refinish it once they get back from coaching their children's soccer games.  (Oh, and they also provided the postgame snacks, having come across a wonderful recipe for Quick Energy Bars.)

I'm lucky if I can find a stock photo or a publishable GIF to load here, and they're sharing pictures of their pretty crockery with pretty food on it on a table with an heirloom table runner and a seasonal floral arrangement visible in one of the upper corners.  How do they do that?  Even if, just off-camera, the dog is throwing up on the couch and the children are screaming at each other and that picture of the table is just shy of loads of things pushed out of view, they still found time to take and load pictures and come up with those Creative Writing-type entries.  Maybe when I'm trying to fall asleep tonight, I can cook up something interesting to say, and a poetic way to say it next time.                                                                                                   



Kim in Oregon said...

I do like your fancy new layout and colors though Twinster.

Bridget said...

I love this post! I always wonder how people not just have time to "stage" perfect photos, but who takes them, especially when they are the ones in the photo! I have to bug The Tim for days to just get a short photo shoot for any finished objects I make ...

Francois Bautista said...

Good blog posst

Not Surprises

The nasty weather didn't materialize here, though I read that some people in Athens had their power knocked out.  Other counties had muc...