Saturday, February 1, 2020

Three Days to Go

I'll get the ball rolling on Classics nominees.

John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Abraham Lincoln
Gregory Peck

Ava Gardner
Helen Keller
Mary Shelley

Your turns!


Kim in Oregon said...

Diahann Carroll
Toni Morrison
Grumpy Cat (chick)

Tim Conway
Luke Perry
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)

Deb said...

Elizabeth Zimmerman
Debbie Reynolds
Estelle Getty

Red Skelton
David Bowie
Jim Henson

kathy b said...

Freddy Mercury
John Muir
Jacques Cousteau

Betty Ford
Nora Ephram
Helen Keller

Vicki Knitorious said...

Paul Newman
Gary Cooper
Tim Conway

Lauren Bacall
Rita Hayworth
Valerie Harper

kathy b said...

Can i change helen keller to Sally Hemmings? Im sorry I forgot helen was already in


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...