Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fragments and Updates

Never assume that online patterns that you like, and have bookmarked (or even purchased) "for later" are going to be there when you want them.  Patternfish, for example, is no more.  Goodbye to the cache of patterns I had bought but not yet downloaded.  

Update-wise, my temporary crown cracked, and I have had to have another temporary one put on.  I am scheduled to go back on the 30th for a permanent one.  I'm most likely repeating myself here, but I am wearing my mouth guard at all times now, to hopefully cut down on the damage clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth might do.

Klunk is doing well.  I went back on Monday to take Hannah and him to the vet for his check-up.  The doctor (quite possibly the cutest man ever through veterinary training) said that he looked good, though he should still see a cardiologist.  He decreased the dosage of one of Klunk's medications, which made Hannah feel better about things.

Yes, I did take a book and some knitting, though the visit was short enough that I didn't need them.  At the apartment, Klunk seemed to be checking to see if I was still working on my previous project.  Nope, buddy --- that shawl got finished.  I've moved on to a hat for my very own self.


Kim in Oregon said...

Glad that Klunk is doing better!!

Bridget said...

Yay, Klunk! Keep up the good work. xoxo

kathy b said...

Oh Klunk. Heart meds? How old is he? Does he have a graded murmur? Am I getting too personal?


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...