Thursday, October 10, 2019

Prompt #2

Do you find skeletons interesting or scary?
Interesting.  I've never found them the least bit scary.  Part of that, I admit, is from my ghoulish interest in murder and murderers.  Still, if you stop and think about the body, it's a remarkable machine, wonder-fully knitted together.

If you ever have a chance, and aren't terribly squeamish about such things, I strongly recommend your visiting Bodies: The Exhibition.  It's one of the most fascinating and powerful things I've ever seen.  Hannah and I still talk about the day we spent there.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Allison is a skeleton lover!!!! IM glad she has you two to share that with!

A Look

At the current state of cross-stitch here. This is one of those pieces that looks better from a distance.  For instance, I couldn't appr...