Monday, October 7, 2019

Prompt #1

Do any of you have a Five Below store nearby?  I found a book called 400 Writing Prompts a while back at mine, and thought it would light a fire under me on the days blog post ideas escaped me.  Needless to say, it's sitting on my desk.  I did, though, look at the first page, and the first prompt is:

If you could put a message in a bottle, what would it say, and who would you want to find it?
"Be patient."
"Sit still when you can."
"Ask questions."
"Dreaming keeps you sane."

 I'd want someone who really needed the message to find it.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

We are both connected by a Greater Power who guided my hand for this message to you. You are loved . You are meant to be here

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