Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Since they're called "doughnuts," it would seem they weren't created until after the piece of hardware.  That seems weird to me.

My father's name was Briton.  My mother's maiden name was England.  How karmic is that?

It dawned on me one day that it's called an elevator because it elevates you.

Why did this cross-stitched Basset make me think of Sam Elliott?
And how cute is that little rabbit?

I accidentally reached into the wrong bag today and bit into one of Tap's treats.  Honestly?  Edible.
(Yes, hemp extract.  Stop your giggling.)

Why is it "you're 'welcome'?"  What definition of "welcome" fits that usage at all?

I sort of twisted my knee yesterday.  Hannah's cats are staying on the back porch, and I was going out to feed them.  I was carrying water, food and a bag for emptying the litter box.  In the process of opening the door, trying to keep Tap out and Klunk in, I lost my balance.  Food and water everywhere.  Torqued knee that's been iffy all day today.  Thank goodness I have a bracing sleeve.


Kim in Oregon said...

Did those work on you? I tried some hemp treats on the dogs during fireworks season and no love. I mean they ate them, but it didn't zen them out.

kathy b said...

Yikes!!! More prayers for my dear KIM! I started my yak hat and Im' thinking of you anyhow while I knit on it

A Look

At the current state of cross-stitch here. This is one of those pieces that looks better from a distance.  For instance, I couldn't appr...