Sunday, June 16, 2019


For reasons not mine to talk about, Hannah is moving out of her apartment.  Briton and I helped with several loads of stuff yesterday, and I am feeling it today.  A couple of the reasons I wanted to lose weight were to increase my stamina and decrease my sweating.  Yesterday proved that the former has improved, but the latter is still out there somewhere.  My head is also pounding, thanks to the heat.  Much, much water was drunk trying to avoid that, but. . . 

Since things are in flux, I'll be taking care of Klunk and The-Kitten-Who-Still-Doesn't-Have-A-Name for a while.
She's much bigger now than in this photo, of course.  Everyone's on edge about how Riley, Madeleine, and Tap will behave with them here.  Klunk is preternaturally chill, so there probably won't be much drama there.  This is the house he grew up in, and there's never been an iota of a problem when he's come back.  Little Bit, though. . .

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Being a family these days is so complex. Roles are not as clearly defined as earlier generations. Not to say those generations were better. Here's hoping Briton finds good things soon

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.