Tuesday, June 25, 2019

She's Real. If She Only Had a Name. . .

So, yesterday I provided photographic evidence of a Moon landing, one battery's reliance on several others, an albino Humpback Whale, a military sighting of a UFO, and Hannah's kitten.  Yes, she really does exist. 

Here she is with Klunk.  They look like they're about the same size, but trust me, he could sit on her and crush her.  He is enormous.  She is quite thin.

And, yes, almost all pictures of Klunk will show him under covers of some sort.  When you are hairless, you snuggle when and where you can.


kathy b said...

I would have to call her something about hair like: Sassoon, (sassy)
or Prell !

Bridget said...

I would name her Persephone, and call her Percy for short.

What to Do, What to Do

A new hank of fingering weight from a new source,   Barnyard Knits .  You know I love a slub.* It's too pretty to use for socks, which w...