Sunday, June 23, 2019

I Don't. Do You?

When commenting on someone's blog or Facebook post, I do not read any of the other comments.  While mine might be a duplicate of someone else's, I don't feel like it's any of my business to read what commenters say to posters. That may frustrate those whose only discernible life goal is to be read by others, but it seems intrusive to me.  It's sort of like reading someone else's mail.

 I don't sort or store my yarn by weight or color.  Lorette just posted about separating all hers into boxes by weight, then recording it all on Ravelry.  I tried that once (the sorting, not the Ravelry thing.)  It lasted through maybe the first attempt at finding a yarn I wanted to work with.  It's more fun for me to go through boxes unsure of what will turn up.  Inspiration may strike when I come across something unexpected.

When I knit with old school metal Bucilla needles --- which is most of the time --- I never have two that are the same color.  Looking in the jug where my needles are kept, I just pull out the first two I see that are the right size.


Kim in Oregon said...

I keep my sock yarn separate from the other yarn, and I keep colors sort of grouped together for sock yarn. Then I lump the rest of the yarn together by color. AND I read the comments. AND my needles are higgledy piggledy.

kathy b said...

I sometimes read the other comments. I learn a lot especially if there is a knitting question embedded. Read my comments on anyones blog anytime with my love !


"T N" today means Twinnie News.    It's  her  birthday!  If you know her, you know she deserves all  the good wishes, so head ...