Sunday, May 26, 2019

Tap Lessons, Three

1.  If you scare a bee from a piece of clover, wait a few seconds, the bee will come back to the clover, and your game can go on.  If you chase a butterfly from anything, that butterfly is gone.

2.  The "But I'm just trying to help you sort colors!" face is only going to work a couple of times after you jump into The Human's yarn/embroidery floss.  Pick your battles.

3.  If you want your (cat) sisters to play with you, grab your squeakiest toy and chomp up and down on it about 6" from them.  They love that.

4.  When you're outside on a clear day, roll and roll and roll in the grass.  Be sure to get onto your back often, so that the sun gets a good chance to warm your undercarriage.

5.  Dragonflies!

6.  If you need a way out of a tight fix, turn on The Cute.


Kim in Oregon said...

TAP! Does the chew toy near the cats trick really work?

kathy b said...

OH I love Life according to Tap! More more more!

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.