Thursday, April 4, 2019

Orange and Gray

Day by day, Briton feels better.  Day by day so does his mother.

Have you tried Orange Vanilla Coke?  I am not a Coke drinker, except a 6-ounce one in a green bottle pulled from a metal tub chock-full of ice.  (I also grew up with the Southern habit of calling any soft drink "Coke.")  This sounded interesting, though, so I bought one yesterday.  It's fine.  Not stunning, but fine.  It would be brilliant for a float.

Sadly, this is all I've gotten done on my vest:
Though it was worked on at the hospital, most of my time there was spent on crosswords puzzles.  But, boy, do I love tweed yarn.


kathy b said...

OH your tweed yarn is beautiful! ! Ah hospital knitting.........I forgot my dr office knitting today. But I won't tomorrow. Have to see someone about my sore toe.....I may have hurt something on the Oklahoma hike. Plus running with the horses in class to trot was jarring this week...

Kim in Oregon said...

I kind of want to try it, but kind of want to not try it.

kayT said...

Exactly my position. And if it would be brilliant in a float, well, there goes my weight, up and up.

And for some reason I am having to log in with google today. Don't know why.

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.