Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Has This Ever Happened to You?

I almost always underestimate the amount of yarn to lead with when casting on.  Why haven't I, after 30+ years, developed some sort of method to solve this problem?  It seems I once ran across a "formula" that was something like "X number of inches for each X stitches in your cast-on."  Obviously, it didn't work for me, or I'd still remember it.

  All this to say it took me 6 tries (SIX) to cast this vest on.


Kim in Oregon said...

This is my superpower--to be able to pretty much know exactly how much yarn I need for a long tail cast on.

Bridget said...

I'm better at it than I used to be. My superpower is not being able to keep track of how many I cast on, to be discovered in the first or second row/round.

KSD said...

Once again, one Twinnie gets all the ability for something, and the other Twinnie gets nothin'.

KSD said...


kmkat said...

No superpower needed. For long tail cast on, tie the two ends of the yarn cake together, do your cast on, then cut one of the strands. I think I remember that you have to cast on one extra stitch, untie those ends when you are done, and drop the first stitch.

kathy b said...

Yikes. Kat's idea is genius. Tie two ends together, cast on and cut one strand ! !!! WOW

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