Wednesday, November 21, 2018

State of Play

It's going to be an All Sides --- well, Mostly Sides --- Thanksgiving here.  (There'll be baked ziti, so.. . .)  Since our favorites are things that taste better the second day, today was the day I cooked.

Pecan Pie (A new recipe, so the jury has yet to come in.)

Scalloped oysters (Don't give me that face.  I get that face every year.  But my mother always made them for Thanksgiving and I love them and I simply must have them.)
(Also, as easy as they are to make, I don't make them any other time of the year.)

Green bean casserole (There's really only one kind, right?  No need to get more specific.)

The aforementioned baked ziti.

Only stuffing remains for tomorrow.  Yes, it's Stove Top.  Well, the Kroger version of StoveTop.  I'm allowed one shortcut, aren't I?

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.


Kim in Oregon said...

Happy Thanksgiving Twinnie!

kathy b said...

So many of the sides make delicious second day treats. I love them all!!!! I made the face. SORRY!!!!!! Im grateful for our friendship!

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.