Thursday, October 4, 2018


As different as my children and I am from one another, our tastes do line up on occasion.  Hannah and I are thoroughly (and some say, disturbingly) fascinated with serial killers and murder.  As such, The Silence of the Lambs, both book and movie, were right up our alley.  She told me some time ago that I would really enjoy the TV show, "Hannibal," and even convinced Briton (who is decidedly NOT interested in our ghoulish pursuits) to watch it.

Now, Briton and I relish good acting.  We adore the not-in-the-spotlight actors and secondary characters in pieces.  We can, almost without fail, pick out which performances the other will truly appreciate when watching a movie or a TV show.  So when Hannah got him to watch "Hannibal," he lasered in on the performance of Hugh Dancy.  Well, I'm watching now, and, yes, Dancy is astounding.

So, watch it if you'd like.  It's on Amazon Prime.

And my second recommendation is "Godless" on Netflix.  Beautiful to look at, with lots of great performances, including by the woman who got me to the show, Merritt Wever.


Kim in Oregon said...

Merritt Weaver was in Nurse Jackie, and I'm guess you've seen that.

KSD said...

She was, and I have. She is just fantastic in everything.

kathy b said...

OH my gosh. I don't watch anything LIKE that. WOW. I think its funny how different taste in shows can be!!! i can barely watch the news let alone a murder show!

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.