Sunday, July 1, 2018


The Twinster took my "What food do you miss?" bait, saying she misses Steak 'n' Shake french fries and Orange Freezes.
Athens has a Steak 'n' Shake, and I'd be glad to take you there for fries, Twinnie, but I'd have to take you a little farther up Broad Street to The Varsity and get you a Frosted Orange.
A slaw dog or two as well, if you're in the mood.

I finally got to the end of the sweater my cousin sent me.  "Got to the end" instead of "finished," because I ran out of yarn before the front was done.  I wasn't even through all the neck shaping.  There was that, and the second sleeve, and the neck ribbing, and the putting everything together to go.  It was an empty feeling, sending it back to her incomplete.  The yarn, though, has been discontinued, and I couldn't find any anywhere.  Dixie (my cousin) seemed very grateful for what I did get done, but I haven't heard what the reactions of the children were.

Back to my heathered grey baby alpaca batwing/dolman sweater, then.  Also experimenting with borromean rings
with Lion Brand Bonbons, and whipping up some dishwashing pads out of Red Heart Scrubby.  Quick, simple, no cabling to keep up with.  Knitters need to breathe every now and then, you know.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Oh yes. Dishcloth breathing was part of my may/june! I want ice cream.....but the scale says NO


 (Or, as my Southern self says, "minnas.").  My Twinster asked if the treats I talked about yesterday were made of minnows.  Actua...