Thursday, June 28, 2018


More and more storms last night and today.  I'm unfazed, as rain soothes me.  Hannah, though, is moving into a new apartment and I was supposed to help her transport some things this morning before she had to go to work.  The bad weather alone was going to quash those plans, but my power has been on and off, and I couldn't get the garage door open to drive to her. Therefore, I watched World Cup games and knit.

I don't find watching soccer all that knitting-friendly.  It's the lull-heavy nature of the games.  Of the three sports that I will not miss, NASCAR is my best for knitting, followed by football, then hockey.  I stopped watching basketball and baseball years ago.

I was listening to a radio show earlier, and the hosts were talking about foods they can't get where they live.  That, of course, made me ask the question of myself.  The first --- and so far only --- thing that hurtled into my mind was O'Charley's Caramel Pie.
There are some O'Charley's around Atlanta, so it isn't like I have to go back to Nashville or anything, but there isn't an O'C's in Athens.

That then put me in mind of specific foods from specific places that I love, but all the places that came to mind are no longer extant.  Kinnard's in Nashville, Ireland's in Nashville, Storyville in Tuscaloosa, Charlie Williams' and Harry Bissett's here in Athens.


1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Steak and Shake: french fries and orange freezes.


"T N" today means Twinnie News.    It's  her  birthday!  If you know her, you know she deserves all  the good wishes, so head ...