Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Season

Thinking about what to do with the little daily nuggets of Paintbox yarns, I remembered the Linen Stitch Scarf.  I started one once, but somehow completely lost the pattern and gave it up.  This time, I'll make every effort not to.  Doing this means assuming that there is nothing else in the Advent calendar but yarn, which is fine.  Fine, too, if there are some non-yarn surprises!

Have you begun getting holiday cards?  A few have arrived here, with photos of children who have grown so much I can't quite fathom it.  Yesterday I got one from a friend who'll be celebrating her first Christmas as a mom.  Her son is just old enough to see it all as magic;  is there anything more wonderful than a baby looking up at holiday lights?

On the subject of lights:

I love Christmas.  


kathy b said...

I love Christmas too Kim. SO glad you do too. We have gotten a few cards and the photos are just wonderful. I try to read the non photo cards with much more intention and reflection as I find the very words about the Season to be powerful and wonderful. We wont send cards until New years if then. I want all my family in one photo if possible

Bridget said...

So far we've received one card. I will admit that it's disappointing how people are not sending cards the way that they used to, I love getting them so much.


kmkat said...

Christmas takes on a whole new aspect when there are small children involved!

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.