Friday, December 1, 2017

Let the Advent-ing Begin!

I get to start turning these little cubes over every morning!  (By the way, there isn't a bite taken out of Santa's hat.  He's against a white wall.)

I also get to open little doors here daily:
I splurged (WAY splurged) and got myself an Advent calendar from Paint Box.  Today's little goodie:

Remember my showing you my teeny little Nativity a while back?  I found a place for it yesterday, and continue to smile over Baby Jesus:
It's the little chullo.  He seems so warm and snug!

That was to be my only Nativity this year, but I saw this one at Bas Bleu and had to bite.  Today is the first day of it, too:

No real surprise that the stable would be the first out of the box:
(It came in pieces.  I felt very accomplished sliding the balsa wood slots together.)

My tree is in and the lights are on it.  No pictures until all the ornaments are on.  This is the earliest it's been up in a while.  I'm usually decorating on the day of the Army/Navy game, which isn't until next Saturday.  There'll be presents under there then.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Im thrilled your decorating early and feeling the Spirit of the Season! THe chullo is adorable!!! OMG. and Im glad you said there was not a piece of Santa's head missing! Fun fun.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.