Sunday, December 17, 2017

Chewy Influencer, December

Giving out treats this afternoon, I realized that I hadn't yet posted my Chewy reviews for this month.  Let's remedy that, shall we?

A new leash for Rupert!  This is Flexi Leash, and may be the most comfortable leash I've ever held.  Now, Rupert isn't hard on a leash.  There's no tugging or straining, so I can't attest to this leash's durability.  What I can say is that, on the "other end," it's a delight.

Second, the holiday treats for the cats.
Temptations are a favorite here, so I was pretty sure these would be well-received.  What interested me was the flavor combination: turkey and sweet potato.  Seeing two colors, I assumed that one was the turkey flavor, the other the sweet potato, and wondered whether the cats would eat something that wasn't meat.  It would seem, though, that the colors are simply for "show," and that every treat is both turkey and sweet potato.  Both colors are being gobbled down is the main takeaway.

Once again, and for the last time in 2017, I am part of's Influencer program, through which I receive products to try out each month.  No money is involved at all, and the reviews reflect my honest experiences with the products.


kayT said...

As a cat servant I always appreciate your Chewy reviews. My two masters also eat Temptations so I will be going for a holiday treat for them. Thanks.

kathy b said...

I enjoy seeing your product reviews!!

Kim in Oregon said...

We have a flexi leash too--love it!

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.