Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Bad Times, Good Times

Having never had a broken rib, I'm unsure how the healing curve is supposed to go.  I do know that yesterday and today, my pain has been worse than just after I fell.  It may be the result of working with all the plumbing issues, but, whatever its cause, Pain is still here.  My side is swollen, but the bruises haven't even come to the surface yet.  Not so with my left knee:
Nor my left elbow:
Nor my left temple:

Let's move to happy-making, though.  The striped blanket is done:
There are ends to weave in, of course.  And you can't see it, but there's a 3-stitch seed stitch border all the way around.  I'm glad I went this way with the kit.  While the blanket isn't as fancy-looking as the pattern, the randomness of the colors and width of the stripes worked, I think.

I've already purchased my Nativity scene for this year:
Really --- it's that small.  Tiny baby Jesus is so adorable.  Mary made him a little bitty chullo!


Kim in Oregon said...

Oof twinny. Do you have a tank top that has a lot of spandex in it? That might help--anything that swaddles you up. Speaking from experience, of course.

Bridget said...

Clearly you want to be just like me. DO NOT DO IT.

Take care of yourself - and I love the teeny nativity!

teabird said...

Broken ribs are tricky. You'll think you're feeling better, then they'll go stabbitty stab. My experience is that you'll be mostly healed in 6 weeks. (ow ow ow)(so sorry)(ow)

kathy b said...

Yikes. You are all beat up. IT will take a while as tea bird says. I LOVE Your blanket finish. The colors and stripes are awesome. Can't imagine it another way.

camille said...

On the good side, that blanket is fabulous.
But man, ouchity ouch ouch. My broken ribs took about 6 months to feel better- but I was still lifting and carrying and wasn't supposed to- fully healed with no residual pain at about 8-10 months. (Broken at the spine and then cracked down the length- like a banana that had been peeled around to my front- if I hadn't done such a bang up job of breaking them, I'd imagine it would've been faster.) can you go back for the vest? Feel better asap. I hope there isn't anymore plunging in your future!

Vera said...

Oh man! I've been away and just catching up on blogs. What a time you've had. Wishing you a speedy recovery and no more pipe issues (of any kind).

The blanket is GORGEOUS! Love all the colors.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.