Thursday, September 28, 2017

It Looks Like We're A "Go"

Most excellent!  It seems like there's enough interest in Classic KH and KC to give it a whirl come February.  Thank you for your enthusiasm.

A couple of issues come to mind, though.  Do we limit our nominees only to those of whom photos exist?  I have a friend who would like to spend time with Buddha, but what sort of image would I use?  Also, do we run into the problem of people not wanting to vote against someone because it's, oh, say, Buddha?

Still, I'm willing to try it if all of you are.  It looks like several of you already have nominees in mind!  As for me, there are a couple of locks:

Those of you who are due prize packages from me, know that I'm waiting for a couple of last-minute additions to arrive.  The boxes will be to you as quickly as possible.


Vera said...

Yay for Kate!!! and Buddha too - we could use Buddha in our world right now.

kathy b said...

oh JFK JR. I was enchanted with interviews with him, but never still shots. Odd huh? He would have been cuter as a manpunzel

teabird said...

You're not voting AGAINST Buddha, you're voting FOR .....

Also, why discriminate against the unphotographed? (Reminds me of days at the children's reference desk when parents would rail against me because I couldn't come up with a photograph of Molly Pitcher.)

kmkat said...


Lorette said...

AH yes, KH/KC, the Dead version. There are so many lovely options. I'm saying right here that Jimmy Stewart needs to be KH.

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