Tuesday, November 29, 2016


One --- One song running through my head over and over: "Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again)".  It's one of the most romantic, saddest love songs ever.
Kristofferson is a genius wordsmith.

Two --- Two Christmas gifts arrived in the mail today.  I've done all my shopping online.  It makes being housebound because of The Depression less costly, and I get packages in the mail!

Three --- Three days I've been searching for my daughter's Christmas stocking.  Why wasn't it in the same box as the others?

Four --- Four of us are snugged up on the couch right now.  If one of us moves, the other three are going to have to re-settle.

Five --- 5 Triangle Shawl will be my next cast-on.

Six --- Six stitches between pattern repeats on the Chevron Scarf I showed you yesterday.  It's great when a pattern is easily memorized, don't you think?

Seven ---
What?  I couldn't think of anything "7" in my life.  Besides, it's Christmas-y.


kathy b said...

Aww I've been there when you move and everyone resettles. SOmetimes I Think i get on and off the couch much more than necessary when I'm settled for the night. Usually its for a snack...

kmkat said...

KK has always been a favorite of mine and not just because we have the same initials. Did you know he was a star athlete, member of Phi Beta Kappa, and a Rhodes scholar?

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...