Wednesday, November 25, 2015

To The Day

My plan for today was to go to CVS and get my flu shot.  Then, last night, at about this time, I started feeling slow and sleepy.  My joints started to ache and my head to hurt.

Long story short, I didn't get my shot today.  And I've been excessively drowsy.  Plus my throat is starting to tickle.  I took Hannah home from work a couple of nights ago, and she was on her third day of The Crud;  I suspect she shared.

SO, maybe a flu shot Friday?

Hannah is going to have lunch with her boyfriend's family tomorrow.  Will (the boyfriend) was very kind, and invited me along.  They're meeting about an hour away from here, though, and with my incipient whatever-it-is, I turned the invitation down.  Then, they're going to a co-worker's tomorrow night.  Briton works all day, so he may, or may not, stop by after he's done.  I've got some Thanksgiving-y things I can prepare if he'd like.  We'll just have to see.

For those of you who are going to have full houses and tables, and whose ovens will be pouring forth all sorts of delicious smells, please know that I hope you and yours have a cozy, happy, non-stress day.


Bridget said...

Feel better! I just got a flu shot a couple of weeks ago. But I am surrounded by people with something icky, I hope I don't get it.

Hopefully you'll feel enough better over the weekend to have some Thanksgiving yum for yourself. xo

kathy b said...

hugs to you ! Feel better, get that flu shot when you can.
Thankful fo ryoU!

Kim in Oregon said...

Take care of yourself--I need to get a flu shot but I hate shots--relax and stay warm today! Happy Thanksgiving from your twinster and Tim and the animals!

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