Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Right This Minute

Right this minute, I am thankful for
1) my very most comfortable sweat pants --- which have "Commodores" written down the left leg;
2) Harpo Marx --- he would be 127 today;
3) the Rustic Apple Tarte from Trader Joes's --- I take a nibble each time I pass through the kitchen;
4) the cloudish, rainish sky;
5) learning new ways to wear scarves;
6) this cold Dr Pepper;
7) Rupert snoring beside me;
8) Riley snoring behind me;
9) the fun catalogs that came in today's mail;
10) word games.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Im thankful for bloggy pals!

More Than Enough

So, you're watching something online, and it breaks for commercial, and next to the little countdown clock is the message "Send to ...