Friday, November 27, 2015

Mass Merchandising

The deluge of catalogs that comes in the mail this time of year can be a bit overwhelming, don't you agree?  I must admit to looking through most of them, however.  Some go straight to recycling, without ever making it into the house.  (Sorry, LL Bean and Eddie Bauer.)

In the past, I've found really good gifts in catalogs.  Since I boycott so many stores because of their Thanksgiving/Black Friday policies, catalogs come in handy.  And I've discovered a lot of wonderful businesses --- my favorite this year being Fairytale Brownies. Oh, my goodness.  OH MY GOODNESS.  I only ordered brownies and bars, but. . .

I believe I could live for a fair amount of time on the Cheesecake Swirl Bars alone.  Them and cold milk.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Not going to click on that link. Nope, not gonna do it.

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