Saturday, November 28, 2015

Long Night

A distinct advantage of living in Athens (and there aren't many for anyone not college-aged) is having access to the UGA Vet School.  Last night, I availed myself of the school's Emergency Room.

who could never have been called a plump cat, has been looking extra-thin of late.  I thought maybe she didn't like her food.  I ran out yesterday morning to get her a couple of different choices, and when I gave some to her, she lapped up a bit of it.  Throughout the day, she became more and more dull, so, around 10 last night, I bundled her up and took her across town to the UGA VER.

She is diabetic.  I was relieved to hear that, as it's something I know, having been dealing with Briton's Buddy.  I was terribly embarrassed that, having just been through the diagnostic process with Buddy, diabetes never even crossed my mind for her.

There is possible ketosis, too, so she is staying at the hospital until they can get her stabilized.  I got a call this mornng to tell me she'd had a good night, and that she was still getting fluids.  They had given her her first dose of insulin, and were waiting to see what happened with that.

I know she is in good hands, and getting 24-hour attention.  That's a HUGE advantage of having her there, as opposed to our vets'.  Our vets are magnificent, but they don't stay staffed around the clock.  It's going to be a costly advantage, but what wouldn't we do for our pets, right?


kathy b said...

Of Course!!! I'd do the same thing. Well, who would have thought you'd be managing diabetes with another cat this year. Briton's cat prepared you!
Hugs to you as you spend time without her until she gets home. WE miss our fur babies

kmkat said...

Good luck! We had a cat that developed diabetes, but since he was 16 we decided to let him go. His pancreas went to the UofMN research lab.

Kim in Oregon said...

I'm so glad she is responding--having had my share of animals spend 'quality time' at the emergency vets' (and at the Oregon State Vet Hospital) it is good to know that there are people there monitoring all the time til our furry ones get over the hump. Take care you!

Bridget said...

I hear you - when we had to take Pip to the Penn Vet School Hospital last May, it was pricey, but worth it and it never occurred to me to think of not doing something instead. They are wonderful people.

Hope she does well and is home soon.

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