Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Apparently, There's This Thing. . .

. . .called The Sweater Weather Challenge. Kathy answered the questions on her blog today, and they are interesting.  So, here I go.

Favorite Candle Scent: Gardenia.

Coffee or tea: Hot tea.  No coffee, ever.  Dr Pepper above both.

Best Fall Memory: My son's birth.

Best Fall Smell: Wet leaves.

Favorite Thanksgiving food: Scalloped oysters.  Sometimes family traditions go off the Path of Normalcy. . . 

Most Worn Sweater:  A rust tweed turtleneck that was made a looooong time ago.The turtleneck is cozy (some aggravate me) and the sleeves are nice and long, for pulling my hands into.

Favorite Fall Makeup: I don't do that much makeup any time of the year.

Favorite Pie: Chess.

Favorite Fall Accessory: Scarves.

Favorite Fall Activity: Watching football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite Fall Sleep:  Late.  ;)

It seems to me that, a few years ago, this type of question-thing, plus swaps and exchanges, were around all the time.  I just don't see them anymore.  Have people stopped doing them, or am I just out of the loop?  I suppose Ravelry is the place to go for all that now.  I just miss the planning and the surprises and the friendships that can be built;  guess that's why I'm doing the Care Squares thing.

(Too twee? Twinster suggested "Blankapalooza."  I don't think we'd run into any trademark issues with that.)


Kim in Oregon said...

Ah now I know why you were googling care bears. Regardless of what you decide to call it, it will always be blankapalooza to me!

Bridget said...

I know what you mean - I used to love these quizzes and things, they were fun!

I think "Blankapalooza" is great, btw. ;-)


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