Thursday, April 30, 2015

Quick Stories. Kind of.

The first projuect I finished with yarn bought at Stitches South is this drop stitch cowl:
This , obviously, isn't blocked, but still shows the colors of the yarn off very well, I think.  It is Vizionz by Plymouth, and I bought it, plus the pattern, in a kit.  I'm all about kits this year.

The trip back to Nashville meant visiting my parents' graves for the first time in a while.  Naturally, lots of things had changed.   When I was standing at their headstone, I noticed a huge marble arch to my right, that I know had not been there before.  It said "Jones," and I figured that was the entry to and the name of a section of the cemetery.  (There are several different areas --- my parents, for example, are buried in the Dogwood Garden.)  Anyway, there was the arch.

As I began to drive away, I came across a plaque that said, "Garden of The Grand Tour."  And it hit me --- this was George Jones' grave!
I know y'all can't, but I can see my parents' grave right through the middle of this arch.  See the big tree on the right?  Their graves are centered on that tree.  Anyway, here's George, and the grave is roped off, and there are benches and people are taking pictures and leaving things, and I'm thinking to myself, "Mama would think this is all so tacky!  But Daddy loved George Jones, and would think this is GREAT!"

By the way, both my mother's and my father's favorite, favorite singers are buried in this cemetery: Marty Robbins (Mama), and J.D. Summer (Daddy).


Vicki Knitorious said...

I was just listening to George Jones the other day, and have a soft spot for Marty Robbins thanks to my dad!

kathy b said...

I think being amongst those musical souls is fantastic. He stopped loving her today is one of my all time favorite songs

camille said...

Whoa! Cool. Glad you got to have the visit. Hope you are holding up.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.