Thursday, March 19, 2015

And, We're Almost Off

So, this is the scarf we'll be making, out of sock yarns:
I'll get going on it over the weekend, and pass the particulars on to all the participants.  The route will be Georgia to Nevada to Oregon to Wisconsin to Illinois to Georgia.  You are invited to add as much, or as little, as you like to the scarf when it comes your way.  I'm hoping for some fun, and some stash-busting with this.

One thing, though.  What are your tips for keeping edges from rolling in on a stockinette scarf?  'Cause we'll want to keep this as flat as we can.

In other news, there isn't any other news.



Kim in Oregon said...

Three or four garter stitch stitches on each side.

Bridget said...

This should be fun for everyone. I purposely didn't sign up, because I have a tendency to have a hard time keeping group projects moving.

I learned that in order to keep a side from rolling, and have a nice, clean edge, that you should cast on two extra stitches. Then on each row, slip the first stitch as to purl, and always knit the last stitch. I have to say this has worked well for me.

Can't wait to hear all about its journey!

kathy b said...

or we could knit a tube and it would be great on both sides and not curl.....

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