Monday, November 3, 2014


Just because Halloween isn't a big deal here doesn't mean I can't appreciate good decorating:
(Thanks to kmkat for the link.)

The thing that the Halloween season does bring is the time change.  When the weather turns cool, and it gets dark early, I am soothed.  There is, honestly, a physical sensation of calm and contentment.  Autumn and Winter are the seasons in which I thrive.  Well, thrive as best a chronically depressed person can.

Speaking of physical states, Daughter is feeling much better, though the honking cough is still around.


Bridget said...

I agree. Fall and winter reactivate me, and the early dark seems cozy rather than dismaying.

Glad Hannah is getting back on track!

Vicki Knitorious said...

Time to recharge! I only wish I could truly hibernate for a while...

kathy b said...

I am OVERJOYED that you love fall/winter and it soothes you. I will take solace in this all winter. HOORAY. I like to hunker down at the beginning of winter. I like it all until March

Lee said...

Me too! I love the cozy and quiet.

kmkat said...

As much as I dislike the dark, I love the chill. Layer up and snuggle, winter is coming!

Weird Day

It's been an odd, kind of Dutch angle kind of day. I was planning on going to the library knitting group, so I wasn't going to showe...